浜幸宽医师就任的江户川综合医院是世界上较早引进三台托姆刀(tomotherapy 螺旋断层放射治疗系统)的,也是目前少数同时拥有三台托姆刀的综合医院,托姆刀放射治疗实例仅 2013 年就多达 17,741 例,之后治疗实绩更是稳步提升,2014年达到22149件,2015年26128件、2016年23810件。
2005~2006 年,留学于美国国立癌症研究所
2006 年,完成美国国立卫生研究所临床肿瘤学研究课程
2007 年,日本防卫医大医院放射科讲师
2006 年,日本大学医学部放射科兼任讲师
2009 年,东京大学医学部附属医院放射科非常勤医师
2009 年,东京江户川医院放射科部长
浜幸寛. 放射線治療ビューレイシステムによる新たな癌治療の有用性と経営的貢献 (総特集 放射線治療: 今, 求められる他施設との差)--(臨床・経営視座での装置選択・運用術)[J]. 月刊新医療, 2019, 46(12): 28-31.
浜幸寛. 最新放射線治療の進化と普及 民間病院における関東初の BNCT 導入, その経緯並びに臨床的展望[J]. 月刊新医療, 2017, 44(6): 68-71.
Naoki Nakamura, Naoto Shikama, Osamu Takahashi, Makiko Ito, Masatoshi Hashimoto, Masahiro Uematsu, Yukihiro Hama, Kenji Sekiguchi, Keiichi Nakagawa. Variability in Bladder Volumes of Full Bladders in Definitive Radiotherapy for Cases of Localized Prostate Cancer
Hama Y, Kaji T. Catheterization-induced injury of the superior vena cava during concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Nihon Univ J Med (in press)
Hama Y, Nakagawa K. Early distant relapse in early stage triple-negative breast cancer: usefulness of FDG-PET for diagnosis of distant metastases. Breast Cancer 2010 (in press)
Hama Y, Iwasaki Y, Kaji T. Selective CT angiography and embolization of the inferior mesenteric artery for massive bladder hemorrhage secondary to locally advanced prostate cancer. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (in press : Ms# CVR-2009-0432).
Hamada S, Ito K, Tobe M, Otsuki H, Hama Y, Kato Y, Sugiura Y, Kaji T, Asano T, Hayakawa M. Bilateral adrenal leiomyosarcoma treated with multiple local therapies. Int J Clin Oncol. 2009;14(4):356-60.
Urano Y, Asanuma D, Hama Y, et al. Selective molecular imaging of viable cancer cells with pH-activatable fluorescence probes. Nat Med 2009;15:104-9.
Hama Y. Prone positioning causes the heart to be displaced anteriorly within the thorax: implications for breast cancer treatment. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2008;72:302
Longmire MR, Ogawa M, Hama Y, Kosaka N, Regino CA, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H. Determination of optimal rhodamine fluorophore for in vivo optical imaging. Bioconjug Chem 2008;19:1735-42.
Ueda S, Tsuda H, Asakawa H, Shigekawa T, Fukatsu K, Kondo N, Yamamoto M, Hama Y, Tamura K, Ishida J, Abe Y, Mochizuki H. Clinicopathological and prognostic relevance of uptake level using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography fusion imaging (18F-FDG PET/CT) in primary breast cancer. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2008;38:250-8.
Kobayashi S, Kimura F, Hama Y, Ogura K, Torikai H, Kobayashi A, Ikeda T, Sato K, Aida S, Kosuda S, Motoyoshi K. Histiocytic sarcoma of the spleen: case report of asymptomatic onset of thrombocytopenia and complex imaging features. Int J Hematol 2008;87:83-7.
Koyama Y, Barrett T, Hama Y, Ravizzini G, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H. In Vivo Molecular Imaging to Diagnose and Subtype Tumors through Receptor-Targeted Optically Labeled Monoclonal Antibodies. Neoplasia 2007;9:1021-9.
Kobayashi H, Koyama Y, Barrett T, Hama Y, Regino CA, Shin IS, Jang B, Le N, Paik CH, Choyke PL, Urano Y. Multimodal nanoprobes for radionuclide and five-color near-infrared optical lymphatic imaging. ACS Nano 2007;1:258-64.
Barrett T, Koyama Y, Hama Y, Ravizzini G, Shin IS, Jang BS, Paik CH, Urano Y, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H. In vivo Diagnosis of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Expression using Molecular Imaging with a Cocktail of Optically Labeled Monoclonal Antibodies. Clin Cancer Res 2007;13:6639-48.
Hama Y, Urano Y, Koyama Y, Gunn AJ, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H. A Self-Quenched Galactosamine-Serum Albumin-RhodamineX Conjugate: A "Smart" Fluorescent Molecular Imaging Probe Synthesized with Clinically Applicable Material for Detecting Peritoneal Ovarian Cancer Metastases. Clin Cancer Res 2007;13:6335-43.
Gunn AJ, Hama Y, Koyama Y, Kohn EC, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H. Targeted optical fluorescence imaging of human ovarian adenocarcinoma using a galactosyl serum albumin-conjugated fluorophore. Cancer Sci 2007;98:1727-33.
Xu H, Regino CA, Koyama Y, Hama Y, Gunn AJ, Bernardo M, Kobayashi H, Choyke PL, Brechbiel MW. Preparation and preliminary evaluation of a biotin-targeted, lectin-targeted dendrimer-based probe for dual-modality magnetic resonance and fluorescence imaging. Bioconjug Chem 2007;18:1474-82.
Hama Y, Matsumoto K, Murugesan R, Subramanian S, Devasahayam N, Koscielniak JW, Hyodo F, Cook JA, Mitchell JB, Krishna MC. Continuous wave EPR oximetric imaging at 300 MHz using radiofrequency power saturation effects. Antioxid Redox Signal 2007;9:1709-16.
Hama Y. Inferior vena cava duplication and left renal aplasia: incidental findings? Br J Radiol. 2007;80(953):e88-92.
Kobayashi H, Hama Y, Koyama Y, Barrett T, Regino CA, Urano Y, Choyke PL. Simultaneous multicolor imaging of five different lymphatic basins using quantum dots. Nano Lett 2007;7:1711-6.
Hama Y, Koyama Y, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H. Two-color in vivo dynamic contrast-enhanced pharmacokinetic imaging. J Biomed Opt 2007;12:034016.
Hama Y, Koyama Y, Urano Y, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H. Two-color lymphatic mapping using Ig-conjugated near infrared optical probes. J Invest Dermatol 2007;127:2351-6.
Hama Y, Koyama Y, Bernardo M, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H. Spectral near-infrared fluorescence imaging of curved surfaces using projection reconstruction algorithms. Contrast Media Mol Imaging 2007;2:82-7.
Hama Y, Uematsu M, Ichikura T, Tamura E, Aida S, Kohno M, Kusano S. A case of primary small cell carcinoma of the cervical esophagus with long-term survival following concurrent chemoradiotherapy: case report and review of the literature. Tumori 1999;85:284-7.
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