【本文为疾病百科知识,仅供阅读】 2017-07-17 作者:厚朴方舟
纽约时报(The New York Times)是一家日报,于1851年创办,是美国严肃报刊的代表。由于风格古典严肃,它有时也被戏称为“灰色女士”。近日,纽约时报对厚朴方舟及其客户郭淑师进行了采访报道,内容如下:
BEIJING — China’s medical system could not stop the cancer eating at Guo Shushi’s stomach. It roared back even after Mr. Guo, a 63-year-old real estate developer, endured surgery, chemotherapy and radiation at two hospitals.
Then his son-in-law discovered online that — for a price — companies were willing to help critically ill Chinese people seek treatment abroad. Soon Mr. Guo was at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, receiving a new immunotherapy drug, Keytruda, which is not available in China. In April, nearly four months later, his tumor has shrunk and his weight has gone up.
他的女婿随即在网上发现,一些公司愿意——以不菲的价格——帮助身患重病的中国患者去海外求医。很快,郭淑师到了波士顿的丹娜-法伯癌症研究院(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute),得以使用一种在中国找不到的免疫治疗方法方法新药——吉舒达(Keytruda)。将近四个月后,也就是今年四月,他的肿瘤缩小了,体重也增加了。
“When I arrived, I could feel how large the gap was,” said Mr. Guo of the difference in care.
The cost: about $220,000 — all paid out of pocket.
China’s nearly 1.4 billion people depend on a strained and struggling health care system that belies the country’s rise as an increasingly wealthy global power. But more and more, the rich are finding a way out.
Western hospitals and a new group of well-connected companies are reaching for well-heeled Chinese patients who need lifesaving treatments unavailable at home. The trend is a twist on the perception of medical tourism as a way to save money, often on noncritical procedures like dental work and face-lifts. For these customers, getting out of China is a matter of life or death.
Medical care is just one manifestation of China’s wide wealth disparity. A new generation of affluent Chinese can seek help at private hospitals or go abroad, even as the rest endure long waits and find their treatment falling short.
Chinese people took an estimated 500,000 outbound medical trips last year, a fivefold increase from a year earlier, according to Ctrip.com International. While the bulk of that is focused on plastic surgery and routine examinations, medical travel agencies say the number of critically ill Chinese patients leaving the country for medical treatment is growing.
“China is among the countries where we have seen the greatest growth in recent years,” Dr. Stephanie L. Hines, the chairwoman of executive health and international medicine at the ME, said in an email.
“据我们所见,来自中国的患者是人数增长较快的群体之一,”美国权威M医院(ME)高管健康保障项目和国际医药部门负责人斯蒂芬妮·L·海恩斯(Stephanie L. Hines)在电子邮件中表示。
At Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, employees help patients with travel and lodging. Mass General, ME and Boston Children’s Hospital provide interpreters.
在波士顿的麻省总医院(Massachusetts General Hospital),有雇员为患者提供旅行和住宿方面的帮助。麻省总医院、美国权威M医院和波士顿儿童医院(Boston Children’s Hospital)均提供翻译。
△患癌症赴美求医的中国公民郭淑师,在厚朴方舟波士顿的一套公寓内,治疗期间他一直住在那里。(托尼·卢对 纽约时报)
Mr. Guo is one of more than 1,000 patients that one company based in Beijing, Hope Noah Health Company, says it helped last year — a number it says was double that of the year before. Upon arriving in the United States or Japan, the two countries to which Hope Noah sends people, patients are greeted at the airports by Hope Noah employees and whisked off to a rented apartment. When they head to the hospital, a Hope Noah translator is by their side.
As recently as the 1970s, China’s health care system provided cradle-to-grave medical support. But despite a huge health care reform plan, its public hospitals are overburdened, with too few beds and doctors to deliver the kind of care that many in the West take for granted. A 2015 study by The Lancet based on United Nations criteria found that China ranked 92 out of 188 countries, after Cuba and Mexico.
近至1970年代,中国的医疗体系还提供着从摇篮到坟墓的医疗支持。尽管该国实施了一个庞大的医疗改革计划,但其公立医院目前依然不堪重负,床位和医生都太少,难以提供被很多西方人视为理所当然的那种医疗服务。《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)在2015年按照联合国相关标准开展的一项研究显示,以居民健康状况论,中国在188个国家里排名第92位,名次低于古巴和墨西哥。
The government has increased spending and encouraged private investors to address the problem. A total of about 4.3 million cancer cases were diagnosed in China in 2015, or almost 12,000 cases a day, compared with 2.4 million in 2010, according to the state-run news media. The five-year survival rate of Chinese cancer patients is around 30 percent, compared with about 70 percent in the United States, according to China’s National Cancer Prevention and Research Center.
Patients often have to travel to Hong Kong and Macau — regions of China governed by their own laws — to buy foreign drugs, which on the mainland face an approval process that takes three to five years. The drug that Mr. Guo is using, Keytruda, was approved for use only last year in a medical tourism pilot zone in the southern Chinese island of Hainan.
In top public hospitals in the top-tier Chinese cities, lines begin forming just after midnight. Appointments for the best doctors are snapped up before dawn. For those who can afford it, tickets can be bought from scalpers hawking appointment numbers. In March, the authorities in Beijing said that they would bar public hospitals from imposing consultation fees on patients, in a bid to reduce public discontent.
By contrast, Mr. Guo said his experience at Dana-Farber was “more humane.” Mr. Guo’s doctor let him speak. There was easy access to food and beverages. The waiting area had a couch.
“In China, the most that we can get is a metal chair,” he said, speaking by videoconference from his apartment in Boston. “Even having a cup of hot water is inconvenient.”
But the benefits can be fleeting. “The biggest challenge that we’ve had is ensuring continuity of care when the patient returns back home to China,” said Misty Hathaway, who leads Mass General’s Center for Specialized Services.
但患者可能无法长久享有这些好处。“我们面临的大挑战,就是在病人回到中国以后确保治疗的连续性,”麻省总医院特殊服务部(Specialized Services)负责人米斯蒂·海瑟薇(Misty Hathaway)说。
△31岁的赵晓青,在南京的办公室。她把她5岁的女儿带到德国进行质子治疗。 (纽约时报Patrick Wack)
It has caused a lot of problems. Many patients go overseas, and indeed, for several months, it’s good。But when they return, if their treatment can’t keep up, then it’s useless.”
Last November, Zhao Xiaoqing, 31, a bridge designer in the Chinese city of Nanjing, took her 5-year-old daughter, Kefei, to the Essen University Hospital in Germany to get proton therapy treatment for her child’s brain tumor. The treatment is available in Shanghai only for children 14 and above. She spent about $140,000, more than half of that borrowed from relatives.
住在南京、现年31岁的桥梁设计师赵小晴,去年曾带着患有脑瘤的五岁女儿菲菲,到德国的埃森大学医院(Essen University Hospital)接受质子治疗。在上海,这种治疗方法只面向14岁及以上的孩子。她花了大约14万美元,超过一半都是从亲戚那里借来的。
Kefei’s tumor shrank. Ms. Zhao said she was willing to spend double what she had paid.
“After going abroad, you can see that the middlemen are not exaggerating,” she said. “In fact, what they’ve told us pales in comparison to what we’ve experienced.”
原题:China’s Ill, and Wealthy, Look Abroad for Medical Treatment
作者:黄瑞黎(Sui-Lee Wee)
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